When the angel of the Lord said in the gospel of Luke ‘I bring you good news of great joy for all the people’ the words that often jump out are ‘good news’ and ‘great joy’. But it’s easy to miss that this good news is ‘for all the people

This message to the shepherds was made just a few hours after the birth of Jesus. And yet, over 2,000 years later, millions of people still don’t even have the Christmas story in their own language.

Enormous progress is being made, however. Thanks to advances in technology and support from people like you, Bible translators are beginning work in a new language at a rate of one every day!

But we need your help to keep up with this pace.

Every pound donated will be doubled!

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Today, there is a special opportunity for you to be part of this astonishing story. You see, a group of Wycliffe supporters has promised to match every donation made before Christmas until, together, we raise £400,000 to finance work in over 170 languages across Asia and Africa next year.

Image of a Christmas buauble with the message 'Every £1 donated doubled before 24 December'

They will even double 12 months of your regular gift!

That means every £1 you can give before 24 December will be doubled to support Bible translators with the resources they need to carry out their urgent and vital task.

  • £50 becomes £100
  • £20 a month becomes £480 a year!

Your donation would help translators like Paulette, a Wolof speaker from Senegal. 

Paulette grew up as a Muslim, but became a Christian and had to give up so much to follow her calling, including being disowned by her own mother. 

‘There shouldn’t be any barriers to knowing God,’ says Paulette. ‘Everyone should be free to wake up each day and know: there is a God who is Lord over everything, and I can talk to him.’

Like Paulette, we long for a world where everyone can know Jesus through the Bible. That’s when lives and even whole communities are changed! 

That’s why, in 2024, we want to support even more Bible translators like Paulette to bring God’s word to over 70 million people speaking 174 languages.

But we need your help to keep up with their ambition.

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Please consider a gift – which will be doubled – today to support Bible translators to bring the good news of great joy to all people.

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