Our mission is to serve local partners worldwide as they bring God’s word to their communities in the language which speaks to them best.



Wycliffe’s vision is for a world where everyone can know Jesus through the Bible

‘I have seen that where people have the word of God in their own language it makes a big difference.’

Pastor Paul – Church leader and Bible translator, Flame, West Africa (names changed)


Your impact

Your generosity through giving and praying is making an difference for eternity

‘People are so happy when they read the Bible in their own language, because they can understand what God is saying to them.’

Nus – Bible translator, Indonesia

60 Working in over 60 countries
70 Over 70 years of experience
360 Over 360 people from the UK and Ireland serving

‘We need to get the Bible available in every language so that everyone in the world has the opportunity to read it and to discover the person of Jesus.’

Nicky Gumbel – Pioneer of the Alpha Course

A brief history of Bible translation

‘There is scarcely a century in the Christian era when Bible translation of some sort was not going on somewhere’

Searching for forgiveness

‘Well, you can say that, but it’s impossible to do, isn’t it?’


What we believe

We depend on God. We make Jesus known. We are Bible people. We honour the Church. We innovate. We serve sacrificially.

Our values and our statement of faith underpin all that we do – and why and how we do it.


Our story so far

Wycliffe was founded in 1953 by other mission agencies who saw the foundational role that Bible translation played in world mission.

Since then Wycliffe has been working alongside communities around the world, training local people to translate the Bible, while also developing specialist software to accelerate the urgent work of Bible translation.

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