Wycliffe Bible Translators believes that each person matters to God, which is why we want to see a world where everyone can know Jesus through the Bible.
Everyone serving with Wycliffe is expected to observe biblical standards of personal ethics, and comply with applicable laws and regulations. Wycliffe is committed to the deterrence, detection and correction of misconduct and dishonesty.
Whether you are a member of the public, or are part of Wycliffe, we invite you to report any concerns you may have about the behaviour of Wycliffe people around the world.
We aim to not only meet the requirements of ensuring a safe environment for those accessing activities in our organisation but to also build an open culture. We recognise the need to provide a safe and caring environment for children, young people and adults. We acknowledge that children, young people and adults can be the victims of physical, sexual and emotional abuse, and neglect.
Any concerns regarding safeguarding issues concerning yourself or others should be reported to our independent reporting service, Syntrio:
- Website: https://report.syntrio.com/wycliffe
- Telephone: From the UK phone 0800 189 0041, and on being asked which number you are calling, enter 800 603 2869. From abroad, use this list of global freephone numbers and dial the one in your country – once you hear the English-language voice prompt asking for the number you are calling enter the toll-free number 800-603-2869
- Email: reports@syntrio.com (include our name ‘Wycliffe’ in the report).
Information about all concerns raised will be clarified as needed and referred on to statutory agencies where appropriate, investigated thoroughly and action taken in line with Wycliffe’s safeguarding policies and procedures.
Confidentiality will be maintained to the fullest practical extent. The main exceptions are when the law requires disclosure, or when someone is at risk.
To find out more about our commitment to safeguarding see our Safeguarding page here.
If you discover information which you believe raises concerns about an issue which is in the public interest, for example, illegal actions, dishonesty, or fraud by Wycliffe members, employees or volunteers, we ask you to report it.
Legislation protects those who raise legitimate concerns. We also provide reassurance that individuals will be protected from reprisal, retaliation or victimisation if reporting in good faith.
If you would like to report a whistleblowing concern please contact our independent reporting service:
- Website: https://report.syntrio.com/wycliffe
- Email: reports@syntrio.com (include our name ‘Wycliffe’ in the report).
- Telephone: From the UK phone 0800 189 0041, and on being asked which number you are calling, enter 800 603 2869. From abroad, use this list of global freephone numbers and dial the one in your country – once you hear the English-language voice prompt asking for the number you are calling enter the toll-free number 800-603-2869
Issues will be investigated as soon as possible and action taken in line with Wycliffe’s whistleblowing policies and procedures.
We encourage anyone reporting a violation or suspected violation to identify themselves when making a report in order to facilitate the investigation of the violation. Reports will be kept confidential to the extent possible, with the understanding that confidentiality may not be maintained where identification is required by law or in order to enable Wycliffe or the appropriate authority to conduct an adequate investigation.
Note for those serving with Wycliffe (as members, employees, or volunteers): issues of a personal rather than public concern should be raised using Wycliffe’s internal grievance procedures.
Any other concerns
Wycliffe Bible Translators is committed to ensuring that fundraising activities are carried out in an ethical and godly manner. If we fall short of a quality service, we will thank you for telling us about it. Your feedback will help us to improve our standards. Please see our Fundraising Complaints Procedure and contact us at complaints@wycliffe.org.uk in order to make a complaint.
If you have any other concerns or questions about the work of Wycliffe not covered by the safeguarding or whistleblowing sections above, please let us know by emailing hello@wycliffe.org.uk, or calling us on 0300 303 1111, or through the form on our contact page.
We appreciate your help in bringing matters to our attention. Thank you.