Wycliffe’s full Safeguarding Policy is available here.
Safeguarding reporting procedures
Any concerns regarding safeguarding issues concerning yourself or others should be reported to our independent reporting service, Syntrio:
- Website: https://report.syntrio.com/wycliffe.
- Telephone: From the UK phone 0800 189 0041, and on being asked which number you are calling, enter 800 603 2869. From abroad, use this list of global freephone numbers and dial the one in your country – once you hear the English-language voice prompt asking for the number you are calling enter the toll-free number 800-603-2869.
- Email: reports@syntrio.com (include our name ‘Wycliffe’ in the report).
Information about all concerns raised will be clarified as needed and referred on to statutory agencies where appropriate, investigated thoroughly and action taken in line with Wycliffe’s safeguarding policies and procedures.
Confidentiality will be maintained to the fullest practical extent. The main exceptions are when the law requires disclosure, or when someone is at risk.
If you would like to report a concern that is not related to safeguarding, please see Reporting concerns.