Photo of Hugh Stacey
Church Relations Manager South East England

Hugh Stacey

Hugh is passionate about people being able to understand and be changed through reading the Bible for themselves.


Hugh says: During a mission trip, when reading 1 John 4:18 – “There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear, because fear has to do with punishment. The one who fears is not made perfect in love” – I discovered how fear was limiting the way I related to others. This discovery changed the way I viewed risk and living for Christ. This shaped a lot of the decisions I have made throughout my adult life and I believe that all believers should be able to have life-changing encounters with God through independent Bible study—and Bible translation is how to make that a reality.’


Before joining Wycliffe, Hugh worked with many Christian children’s charities in the US and Honduras. During the nine years spent working in Honduras, he met his wife, Cinthia, and they had their daughter, Letty.

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