‘The Bible changed everything.’

Victoria*, Lenthomi* Bible translator, Central Asia
*names changed for security reasons

The Bible for everyone

Wycliffe’s vision is for a world where everyone can know Jesus through the Bible

‘God wants to communicate with all
people on earth in their language.’

Edoh – Ifè Bible translator, Togo

Wycliffe’s mission is to serve local partners worldwide as they bring God’s word to their communities in the language which speaks to them best.

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‘We hear them declaring the wonders of God in our own tongues!’

Acts 2:11

1 in 5 people

1.5 billion people are still waiting for the Bible in the language they know best

‘People need the Bible so they can find new life that never ends.’

Wajid* – Leoma* Bible translator, West Asia
(*name changed for security reasons)


One new translation every week

Your generosity means that we can say 'yes' to more translation teams

‘Thank you! Thank you! Thank you to God! Because this New Testament will now speak to the hearts of the people. Hallelujah!’

Bishop Seme Nigo – Keliko translator, South Sudan

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