Could you serve God in a security role?

Increasingly, Bible translation work happens in places with a significant level of risk – whether from political instability, conflict or opposition to Christianity.

Security professionals monitor these situations, develop systems to keep people working safely for as long as possible, and – when necessary – help them to leave the area. They also coordinate day-to-day security for organisations and offices around the world.

Perhaps you have a background in the armed forces or policing, or experience in security and safety operations.

Or if not, do you know someone who does? If you have the skills for one of these roles, we’d love to hear from you.

Contact us – and let’s start your journey!

Evacuations, coups, kidnapping…

Find out what it’s like to serve in a security role, and the difference it makes: read our interview with Paul Murrell.

There are many other ways you could serve God in the work of Bible translation; people with all kinds of skills are needed to serve God in Bible translation:

All these skills – and others – play an essential role in the work of Wycliffe. If you have skills or interests in one or more of these areas, let’s begin a conversation! Click here to contact us.

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‘God is not unjust; he will not forget your work and the love you have shown him as you have helped his people and continue to help them.’

Hebrews 6:10
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