1.5 million
The community
Traditionally shepherds, the Faegen people historically lived a life focused on their livestock, with few education opportunities. Younger generations now have access to schooling, and today more Faegen work in urban areas. Most come from the majority religion, but there is a very small Christian community.
The need
There is a huge opportunity for Faegen people to meet Jesus through the Bible. The complete New Testament translation was launched in 2018 and has had a significant impact on the community, enabling Christians to witness to their neighbours and Faegen people to meet Jesus through the Bible for the first time. But this people, who are traditionally shepherds, still don’t have Psalm 23 – or any of the Old Testament – in their language.
The project
Initiated by the local church, the local translation team is working to translate the complete Old Testament, with the goal of having it finished by 2030. Running alongside translation work by the local team are Bible study groups and classes to teach Faegen people who never had the chance to attend school, how to read and write their language. The complete Faegen Bible will also be made available in an audio version.
*names changed for security reasons
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