In recognition of Wycliffe’s 70th year many of you have been sharing your praise points with us, looking back at your time with Wycliffe.

Why not take a look at some of them below (the video includes a selection, with the full set of comments below that) and give thanks and praise to God for all he has done and continues to do through Bible translation.

Heres what you shared with us…

What you shared in full…

‘Praise God for the way that he calls and equips local people to translate Scriptures into languages that they love.’ – Georgina Gray (Eurasia)

‘Praise God for the many people who have come to faith through reading the Bible and are now wanting to translate it so that others can experience what they have experienced.’ – Alf Thompson (UK)

‘Ever since I first came to the Wycliffe Centre in 1991, I have felt so privileged to be part of such an important work that God is doing through Wycliffe and SIL, and to see the effect of it on people’s lives. I have been blessed to live 28 years in West Africa and to experience the warmth (!), hospitality, fun and spiritual fervour of friends and colleagues here.’ – Janet Souster (West Africa)

‘Praise God for the progress made for the New Testament in the Dũya language. Pray that those of us from many places around the world will honour and glorify God as we work together with national speakers to make his Word available to all people in the language they understand best.’ – Katherine Turner (Nigeria)

‘The way he led, day by day, year by year. Leaving for Papua New Guinea was going into the unknown and I’m not well known for liking the unknown! But he directed and sustained, thus far for 14 years.’ – Robert Noble (Papua New Guinea)

‘Praise God for the 1,000th New Testament with Wycliffe/SIL being launched!’ Anonymous (*)

‘Praise God for the very strong bonds and support established through prayer. The opportunity to collaborate with the Lord in what he is doing in literacy and education in various places in Africa, not least in Senegal. A context in which to grow and mature in my understanding of God’s kingdom and how we are called to play our part.’ Chris Darby (UK/Africa)

The next 70 years...

As we look to the next 70 years, our prayer is that even more people will come to know Jesus through the Bible. As an extension of this prayer, you might like to consider leaving a gift as part of your Will to Wycliffe. It’s a great way to give so if you would like to chat about this, we would love to talk this through with you.

‘I praise God for sustaining and enabling all of our years working with Wycliffe. Sometimes money was tight, but he has always supplied all that we really need. He is faithful, forever!’ John Macaulay (Tanzania)

‘I have worked for Wycliffe for nearly 25 years. In that time I’ve seen many changes and I praise God that the quality of service we offer to members and supporters has been increasing, as has the skills of the staff. I’m looking forward to the future.’ – Paul Morriss (UK)

‘A real highlight for me was attending the New Testament dedication event for the Keliko language in August 2018, because I had been involved in the literacy side of the project. It was very moving to see Margaret, the wife of one of the translators, and participant of the weekly literacy class I led, receive an award for teaching others to read.’ Kathryn Asiku (Uganda)

‘God has taken me from being a new Scripture engagement worker, given the job of starting a Scripture engagement department in a young cluster, to a point where I have been able to hand over the department coordination to a Tanzanian colleague who I have trained and mentored over many years. God has been so gentle and kind with me along the way.’ Katherine O’Donnell (Tanzania Mbeya Cluster Project)


‘I praise God for the faithfulness of our supporters along our journey.’ Mark Woodward (SIL IDX Artificial Intelligence)

‘Praise God for his faithfulness over the past 30 years. The wonderful way that a number of key people have looked after us as we served. The incredible impact of the work of Bible translation and the marvellous reputation that Wycliffe has around the world.’ – Stewart Johnson (UK)

‘We saw at least one Bible translator become a Christian through the process of working on the translation drafts. We saw families starting to read the Bible together once it was in their own language. We saw people become excited about Bible memorisation once it was in their language.’ Anonymous (*)

‘For the joy of seeing more and more Africans involved in Bible translation and development across every level of the organisation.’ John and Pam Hollman (UK (retired))

‘Praise God for people who are sacrificially dedicating everything to God’s work.’ Carwyn Graves (UK)

‘The Lord has led us to expand our way of working so the wider community can engage with the Scriptures at a much earlier point in the translation process, eg through oral translation, Scripture App, audio recordings, films. This early engagement can increase vision and give a way to give feedback into the ongoing translation process of all of the Scriptures.’ Michael Jemphrey (Francophone Africa)

‘Praise God for the focus on places where there are no known Christians in recent years, and the hope this brings for the lost.’ Sue (UK)


‘I praise God for gathering and editing 26 prayer diaries since I started in 2017. I can only imagine what impact these prayers have had and I hope and dream that I’ll see the answers to some of them when I get to heaven.’ Martin Horton (UK)

‘Praise God for 70 years of faithful supporters, members and staff dedicated to serving the Lord by sharing the gospel message and empowering the local church worldwide through the translation of his word!’ Matt Smith (UK)

‘The number of people we have been able to recruit, train and encourage over the decades who have gone on to better things.’ Anonymous (*)

‘I praise God for Wycliffe celebrating 50 years of work in Ethiopia this year and for Ethiopian church leaders taking responsibility for Bible translation work in the country. I praise God that almost all of the 80 or so languages either have some Scripture translated or projects are in progress.’ Mary Breeze (Ethiopia (retired))

‘Through everything, God has never let go of me. I can testify to Isaiah 41:10 and Deuteronomy 33:27.’ Wendy Van den Broek (UK)

‘The way in which language policies globally have begun to change and be more inclusive of children from minoritised language communities – more learners are gaining the opportunity to learn to read and write in languages that they understand and to access appropriate education.’ – Catherine Young (SIL Global)

‘Praise God for the move of translation projects from expat to local ownership and to seeing New Testaments reaching completion after decades.’ Judith Sawers (UK)


‘Meeting my wife on the first day of our first SIL course in 1979! Getting to know and work with many wonderful people over the years. The opportunity to live in an African village for over 20 years and still be involved with, and in regular contact with, the folks there as colleagues and friends to this day.’ William Kinnaird (Cameroon)

‘I am so thankful for the way God uses an amazing variety of talents and experience together to serve him in getting the best news and book ever, out into the lost world. God speaks.’ Ann Saunders (UK)

‘Praise God for progress in the work in a way which surprises us as we look back almost as spectators in what God has been doing.’ Jon and Sandra Blackwell (Cameroon)

‘Praise the Lord for the use of new technologies that is speeding up translation work and for many faithful supporters and co-workers.’ Peter Wilson (UK)

‘We praise God for his provision through all the years we have worked with Wycliffe, and for the many people whom he moved to support us financially and prayerfully. We thank God for the many mother-tongue translation teams with whom we have been able to work on checking and polishing their translations.’ John and Pam Blakely (UK/Asia)

‘Praise God for the opportunity to build great relationships with our supporters and for the opportunity to see God at work through their generosity.’ Amy Wyatt (UK)

‘Growing up within Wycliffe has given me a heart for mission and passion about the importance of those who don’t know Jesus yet to hear about him, in a way I don’t think I’d have had to the same degree had I not been a Wycliffe kid.’ Rebecca Ford (UK)


‘It is so encouraging seeing the team God is building at Wycliffe – the people being called and the skills they have and how God is using us and growing our work. Praise him!’ Hannah Burnham (UK)

‘The faithful prayer support of many, especially members of the various Wycliffe prayer groups and others who pray using Wycliffe News Scotland. Many evidences of God’s provision, including such amazing things as large financial gifts received just when I’ve become aware of a great need and keys lost in a river later being returned to me!’ James MacDonell (Nigeria)

‘Praise God for his grace and faithfulness, bringing us through to the dedication of the Seimat New Testament in 2013, the ongoing Old Testament translation and development of the Seimat Scripture and language websites.’ Theresa Wilson (Papua New Guinea)

‘Praise God for people coming to faith in Roma and God’s provision and leading for us. We pray that Standard Romani Scriptures will be used in schools and churches all over Romania. We pray that those Scriptures will bring hope and new life.’ David and Sari Gardner (Romania)

‘My role at Wycliffe has been such a blessing to me and my family. The staff team is such a warm community and our members are so inspiring!’Alys Hamilton (UK)

‘For years of faithful support (prayer and financial) from people back at home, for the provision of good friendships and housemates here on the field (very important for a single person!), for work that I enjoy (most of the time!). I pray that nominal faith would give way to a true relationship with him and that groups of believers would be communities of light here in Tanzania.’ Hazel Gray (Tanzania)

‘When I was retired, I was able to come and work as a volunteer and so keep in touch with many families. I thank and praise God for all the wonderful work that Wycliffe has done and is still doing in Bible translation.’ Madeline Newitt (UK (retired))


‘Praise God that this year the Mbeya project in Tanzania will launch three more New Testaments, bringing the total for the project to nine. There were times in the past when it seemed like the project was on wobbly foundations and could fall apart, but God provided and we’re still here! I also praise God for all the audio Scripture and Jesus films now in circulation in Tanzania – I hear so many encouraging reports of how they are being received.’Helen Eaton (Tanzania)

‘The journey has been long and desperately hard at times, but also fulfilling and joyful. I want praise God for his resurrection power, which continually restores me emotionally and physically. I love what I do, and I’m grateful to Wycliffe for all the support and love their “home team” provides to me while I’m out there in the thick of it all.’ Anonymous (*)

‘Praise God for third culture kids contributing to the work of Wycliffe through testing translations with friends at school.’ Tory Martin (UK) 

‘I praise God for meeting a supporter who has given generously and sacrificially to Bible translation and has enjoyed learning about all that is involved in Wycliffe’s work.’ – Mark Andrews (UK)

‘My work was focused on recruitment and short-term programmes. I was always encouraged and excited by our annual intake of GRIPpers (those doing the 1–2 year Graduate International Programme) with all their energy, enthusiasm, brain power and yes, general craziness! Praise God that several became longer-term supporters, and a significant number later rejoined and are still serving all across Wycliffe and SIL!’ Ruth Gracey (Eurasia)

‘Praise God for so many testimonies of the power of the word of God to transform lives and an acceleration in Bible translation programmes.’ David Steinegger (UK)

‘Seeing the joy and excitement of the communities as they receive Scriptures in their language is so encouraging, and testimony to the many years of effort that has been put in by translation teams and their communities over decades.’ Jeremy Weightman (UK)


Anonymous (*) – indicates someone serving in a sensitive context and whose name and location cannot therefore be given
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