‘However, despite this progress, the fact remains that 1 in 5 people still do not have access to the Bible in their language. That’s around 1.5 billion people. This is why translation teams across the world continue to work with urgency to put this right, and why we continue to support them in their work so that the desperate needs of those without can be met.’
Download the full State of the Bible 2022 report here.
Downloadable images are below.
Notes to Editors
1. For further information, call Sam Owen at the Wycliffe Communications team on 0300 303 1111 or sowen@wycliffe.org.uk.
2. Wycliffe Bible Translators seeks to create a world where everyone can know Jesus through the Bible. It does this through a range of activities, including Bible translation, literacy and Scripture use initiatives. Currently, Wycliffe has 360 people from the UK and Ireland serving 530 million people who speak 350 languages in 71 countries. Of the 7,300 or so languages spoken worldwide today, only 724 have the Bible. Around 1.5 billion people (1 in every 5 people) do not have the Bible in their language. As a result, translation of the Bible into people’s languages is one of the critical needs in world mission, to enable the growth of evangelism and discipleship ministries.
3. Wycliffe and its partner organisations are currently involved in about three-quarters of global Bible translation efforts.
4. Images. You can download the following images to accompany the press release, by clicking on the ‘Image’ link and then saving to your desktop. All images should be credited as follows: © 2022 Wycliffe Bible Translators.
1. A mother with her child holds her Gbeya New Testament at the launch event in the Central African Republic in February 2022.
2. One of the Ngbugu Bible translation team holds up the Ngbugu New Testament at its launch event in the Central African Republic in February 2022.
3. A woman holds her Fanamaket New Testament at its launch event in Papua New Guinea in November 2021.
4. A woman holds her Migaama New Testament at the launch event in Chad in December 2021.
5. Infographic with some of the 2022 Bible statistics figures, including the number of translated Bibles.
6. Infographic with some of the 2022 Bible statistics figures, including the number of translated New Testaments.
7. Cut-out png version of Image 1 (a mother with her child holds her Gbeya New Testament at the launch event in the Central African Republic in February 2022).
8. Graph showing the progress of Bible translation since 1800.