Thank you for visiting the Bible for All exhibition at Bath Abbey.
We hope that you found the exhibition about John Wycliffe and the ongoing work of Bible translation interesting and inspiring. We also hope that the exhibition highlighted how you can play a role in the exciting work that is happening around the world.

As the exhibition said, 2024 is the 700th anniversary of the birth of John Wycliffe!
John Wycliffe, ‘the Morning Star of the Reformation’, gave us the first English translation of the Bible. He was born 700 years ago, and his story is truly remarkable.
His work and his legacy has changed history, impacting all of our lives and inspiring generations of Bible translators to do likewise – to help create a world where everyone can know Jesus through the Bible in their own language.
Throughout 2024, this significant anniversary is being marked with a series of events, activities and media, including being featured in ‘Songs of Praise’ on BBC One and in this year’s Prom Praise.
Watch this inspiring video about John Wycliffe to see the difference that Bible translation is making and the vital role that people like you play for Bible translation teams: