When you and your church give to Wycliffe, you join a Bible translation movement that is helping millions of people around the world to have the life-changing word of God in their language for the first time.
Lives and communities are being transformed.
Thank you for your church’s support!
There are a number of ways you can give, as follows:
Make an online gift
If you want to give online, you can donate here now.
Make a gift via bank transfer or phone
You can make a donation now using our bank details (please include your church’s supporter reference, if known, at the time of making your donation):
- Account name: Wycliffe UK Ltd
- Account number: 61572853
- Sort code: 60-11-01
Alternatively, call us on 0300 303 1111 or email churches@wycliffe.org.uk and we will provide further details about how to make a donation.
Make a gift via a cheque
Send your cheque (made payable to ‘Wycliffe Bible Translators’), along with a letter confirming the name of the church making the donation and the address to which a receipt should be sent, to:
Wycliffe Bible Translators, PO Box 1643, Oxford OX4 9PB
Regular giving
We would love your church to partner with us through regular giving. Please email churches@wycliffe.org.uk, or call your regional Wycliffe office (below) to sign up or find out more.
Gift Aid envelopes
If you would like Giving envelopes to use in a church service, please email or call your regional Wycliffe office (via the button above) to sign up or find out more.
Thank you for helping to create a world where everyone can know Jesus through the Bible.